Monday, July 09, 2007

Day 86: Cairo....

Day 86: Cairo…Back to Cairo was busy, went to go see Islamic Cairo, with the mosque and saw some of the remains of the British articteure. We even passed by some Coptic Churches. Coptic Chrisitan is the the Christian that is found in Egypt they believe that Christ and God are not different that they are one in the same. Passed along some of the shops and saw some low cut dresses and top, a bit surprised I asked my Egyptian tour guide who buys them as surely I didn’t think the Egyptian woman would wear them, she told me that is what the Egyptian woman wear at home. I thought wow some of these woman wear the black dresses and the scarves and some even go as far as to wear the veil, yet at home they dress so western, I thought what a contrast, a society which is so private, conservative on the outside and yet very modern and western on the outside, compared to the western society in which people are not to extreme, but more consistent. Again I felt very fortune to live in a western society like the U.S. where I am free to dress in public as I please. Egypt I have been told is one of the more modern Arabic countries where most of the woman just wear the head scarves. Then went to go try shesisha (flavored water pipe), at the oldest café in Cairo, which was 100 years old. Then went to go see a belly dancing show on a night cruise. They had Nubian dancers, and belly dancers. That night my Egyptian tour leader told me many of her friends got married early, since they weren't allow to date and they wanted to experience physical intimacy and that alot of them rush into the marriage and then they are unhappy, since the phyiscal intimacy dies off and they are left with the day to day life. She also told me that she was circumsized and that some woman get circumsized to tame their sexual desires and maintain their honor. This involves removing of the clortis, which takes away the pleasure of sex. Boy I thought how woman are treated so differently here and in the U.S.


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