Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Day 17 and 18: The Thai islands...

Day 17 & 18

Day 17: Today I took a boat from Kho Phi Phi to Phuket, there are so many young tourist there to party, it was beginning to be a little too much for me; the island is beautiful, but it does smell like a dirty toilet, so I was happy to leave. Parts of Kho Phi Phi were destroyed from the Tsunami, there is a part of the island that was built up before, so you couldn't see from one side to another. Those buildings were destroyed and you can see from one side to another.

Took the boat over from Kho Phi Phi to Phuket, the trip was a nice boat ride. Arrived in Phuket and noticed all the 7/11. I must say I have consistently seen a 7/11 in ever country except in Cambodia. Phuket is bigger island than Phuket, and thus is very touristy. I don't mind as it is much bigger than Kho Phi Phi. The beaches here have all types of ethnic cuisine including food from Dubai...

I took my laundry to the local laundy mat, not bad only ~$5 to do my laundry, which was done by someone. Then I walked along Patong beach. It was nice, the water is an emerald green and there are mountains on both side of the beach.

Day 18:I spent the day again at Patong Beach, it was very relaxing. I had some time to just sit back, think, and enjoy myself. I feel like traveling I am always doing something, thinking ahead, planning where I am going to be going next, it's hard to slow down when there is so much interesting stuff in front of you. It's interesting the types of trips we take my Cambodia trip was more of a deep meaning trip, which I got alot out of the culture and the people. It's interesting, because ever person that I have talk, that has been to Cambodia has rated as one of their top places to go, along with Laos and Vietnam, now I can see why. Going to Cambodia has intrigued me to consider going to Laos and Vietnam. Thailand, so far has been more of a relaxing time as I have been at the beaches most of the time. The relaxing trips are good, because you have time to just sit back, think about things, and relax. I plan on going to Chang Mai and Chang Rai, so hoping to see more of the Thai culture as well. I am enjoy myself, but I realize as I move from place to place, hotel to hotel, I realize my life currently is a temporary state of being, and as people come and go out of your life that you meet from the different places you travel to, it made me realize living for the moment is important!


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