Monday, July 09, 2007

Day 90: Hello Jordan....

Hello Jordan….Today we took the ferry over to Jordan. When we got to Aqaba, I noticed all the pictures they have of the current King Adullah, they even have some of his father King Hussein and some of King Adullah and his wife. Jordan seemed more modern then Egypt was.

Day 90: Aqaba, Jordan….Today spent the day running errands. Went to the pharmacist and noticed the lady behind the counter was not wearing a head scarf. I asked her about it and she said she was from Amman and not all the woman wore them, even though she was Muslim, I thought that was quite interesting. Then I headed to the local post office, which was also the bank inside and noticed a whole mob of people in there, some woman with head scarves and some with black dresses. I asked the post office clerk lady helping me what the mob of people were and she explained to me that King Addullah gives handouts monthly to the people and they were waiting to get their money. She explained to me that the people in the scarves were primarily Palestian and the woman in black were Bedouin. Jordan has quite a few Palentines and I have been told that the numbers range anywhere between 65-85% of the population. They live in Palestian communities not actually tent camps, they had moved up from that. I have heard that alot of them are quite well off.


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