Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 66 & 67 & 68: New Zeland, South Island

Day 66: That morning I didn’t have much time to see the glacier as we were heading out to Queenstown, so I decided to go to the Glacier early that morning. As I was walking a New Zealand couple stopped and asked if I needed a lift as they were heading to the Glacier, a little reluctant at first, as it was not right to take rides from stranger, I decided to take their offer as I was tight on time and they looked like a nice enough couple. We headed to the glacier. We parked the car and headed our separate ways. Then as I was heading back and tight on time as luck would have it I saw my New Zealand couple coming down the street behind me, they kindly stopped and gave me a lift back into town. That night we headed for Marakora. We stopped at the blue pools, where the water was amazing teal color from the glacier, the water gets its color from the minerals on the rocks, and we got eaten up by sandflies though while watching the amazing pool of water. In Marakora we had karaoke night. My tour guide Kathy and I sang ‘Girls Just Wanted to Have Funs’. My tour mate Priscilla took the cake as she sang ‘ I will survive’, and dedicated to all the woman.

Day 67: I got early to go on my airplane ride above the glacier. I saw the glacier and the rainforest right next to it. I was told a glacier and a rainforest can coexist together because of the subtropical climate. It was cool to see the aerial view and the water from the glacier is amazing teal color. We headed for Queenstown. In Queenstown I decided to do a bungee jump from the original A.J. Hackett Bungee Jump. I wanted to do the tallest in the world the famous ‘Nieves’, but time did not permit. I again ran into some of my fellow Magic tour mates at the bungee jump area, it was nice to see them. I got all geared up and was ready to take my plunge, the initial jump was a bit scary and then after the first jump I had fun bobbing up and down. I thinking sky diving is more challenging than bungee jumping, but it was still fun!

Day 68: Today I took a boat tour of Milford Sound. We stopped to take some amazing pictures of the pink and lavender flowers. Along the way to Milford Sounds. With the teal water and the green and brown water was amazing. New Zealand in my opinion is definitely one of the most picturesque countries I have every been to. Every time you turn around there is something beautiful to see. It is a must see for everyone!!!!! Milford Sound is where they have fiords. Fiords are basically mountains that don’t have any beaches, they go directly in the water. Again I ran into some more of my Magic tour mates. We saw waterfalls and seals. I came back and tried the famous Fergburger, my tour guide kept raving about and it was delicious. They have hamburgers, falafels, and lamb meat all in a bun. It is a must have when in Queenstown!!!! On the way back I saw the long white clouds hang in front of the mountains that New Zealand is famous for. Queenstown looks like a ski resort.


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