Friday, March 30, 2007

Day 2: Saigon...

Well today I got off to a early start as I headed to the Cu Chi tunners. It's about 30km outside of Saigon. The tunnels were used by the Viet Cong as their secret underground in South Vietnam. When Vietnam was split into two countries. North Vietnam was communist and South Vietnam was not. The Viet Cong were part of North Vietnam and that was their secret underground. The tunnels were really fascinating as they had three levels underground and these people would literally live in the tunnels for months. They even had a tunnel that led to the river. I got a chance to go in the tunnels on the first level and had to literally crawl on my hands and knees and it was quite clostrophoic, I can't imagine someone living there for a long period of time.

I then headed off to the 'War Museum' and saw photos of all the people affected by 'agent orange' during the Vietnam War, which was a sad sight. There were Vietnamese men, woman, and children affected by the downpour of 'agent orange' on the Vietnamese war. The men and woman who were affected some of them gave birth to deformed children. It was truly truly a sad sight to see, which makes you wonder if some of the tactics the American use on war are really the right tactics to use.

It's a country that has seen it's level of turmoil. The people have generally been friendly and helpful, but there is a sense of determination in the people, probably from all the turmoil they have had to face. That night I headed to and had some pho (traditional Vietnamese soup) and Vietnamese pancake, which consisted of fried shrimp and some beef in a a fried rice looking crepe.


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