Monday, July 09, 2007

Jordan History...

Jordan History: 1. 333BC Alexander the Great of Greece 2.Nabetaens a seminomadic Arabian tribe controlled southern Jordan and their capital was Petra, while the Romans controlled the rest of the country3. Islamic armies for various countries4. 1099 Pope Urban II launched the Crusades and captured Jersualem, which was then part of Jordan5. Mamluks, former soldier slaves expelled the Crusaders in 12506. Ottoman Turks defeated the Mamluks in 1516 and ruled until WWI7. 1916 the Arabs with the assitant of TE Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) lauched the Arab revolt and helped the British drive the Turks out from the region. In return the Arabs were given British assurance that they would be allowed to establish an independent Arab state.8. The newly formed League of Nations instead gave Britian a mandate over Palestine and the state of Tranjordan lying between Iraq and the East Bank of Jordan was made seperate entity under King Addulah. 9. After WWII the British threw in the towel and handed the mess to the UN, which was in favor of speratre Arab and Jewish state. 10. 1948 Arab-Isreal war broke out and many Palestians flew to TransJordan, it was a victory for the Isreal and they got some of the Paleastian Arab land allocated by the UN. Transjordan exploited situation and occupied the West Bank and part of Jersualem, King Addulah shortened the name to Jordan11. 1967 Six Day war broke out, in which Jordan lost the West Bank and it's half of Jersualem to the Isreal forces. In return it gained a huge influx of Palestians refugees.12. As the PLO (Palestian Liberation Organization) became more militant and there were some bloody fighting in 1971, the radical militants moved to Lebanon. In 1991 during the Gulf War, about 500,000 Palestians fled to Jordan.


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