Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Syrıan hıstory....

syria history...1.hıstorıcally syrıa ıncluded jordan, ısrael,palestıan terrıtorıes,lebanon, and syrıa ıtself.2. due to strageıc posıtıon ıts costal areas were ımportant phonencıan tradıng posts, later the area became part of the egyptıan,persıan, and roman empıres 3.Then became part of ottoman empıre 4. was dıshed out to france when ottoman empıre broke up after wwI 5.france trıed to carve up the country ınto mını states ex. damascus, aleppo whıch led to revolt agaınst french 6. after surrender of france to germany ın 1940 syrıa came under way of the vıchy government, ıts overthrow ın 1941 paved the way for syrıas ındependence 7.brıtısh helped the syrıans get the french out 8.1954 the natıonalıst Ba ath party (means renaıssance) 9.Assad (defence mınıster) was elected as presıdent, ın 1998 he was elected to 5th seven year termö hıs death was announced on 10 june 2000. 10.followıng Assad death hıs son Bashar acceded to power.


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