Sunday, September 09, 2007

Day 130: Naoribi, Kenya...

Day 130: Started my tour group, met everyone. Went to the hotel in Nairobi, they had security guards on every floor. Nairoibi is not the safest place to go it's nick name is Nairobbery. Met my roommate Emma, from England. Really nice girl. OUr first stop was an orphanage. The kids came out to greet us with big smiles and they wanted to hold our hands, I was happy to see none of them asked us for money. One of the girls 12 took my hand and showed me around. She really enjoyed my camera and was snappying up pictures. There was a really cute girl named Annie about 3 years old, who was very chubby and cute and she was everyone little sister the girls in the orphanged all looked after Annie. Her mother was mentally retarded and her father was death and dumb. The kids did a song and dance and gave us all flowers. We met one of the girls who had gone thru the orphanged and had gone to Univ. and had graduated. The kids looked realy happy on the stage. I wondered how they could be so happy when they had so little in life. I thought boy they didn't realize all the thing they didn't have like a car, or a TV or nice clothes. Which made me think we have more material possession and we know more of what we can get like a nicer car etc.. and still there are times that we can't get enough and we are not happy. These kids didn't know what they didn't have. In way they were lucky because they would not always be striving to get more and would be content with their lives.


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