Tuesday, August 28, 2007

DAy 126: Jerusalem, Israel...

Woke up way to early to go see the Dome of the Rock. Dome of the Rock is single most important area for all three religions Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Jews believe this is where Abraham sacrificed Issac. The Christians believe that Jesus descended from Heaven here and the Muslims believe Mohammed descended to paradise here. So you can see that it is definitely a hot controversial spot. Currently there is a mosque that sits on top of it. Had to go thru a secuirty check when entering the Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock. The Jewish people are currently thinking about building a third temple, the Western Wall was part of the 2nd temple that was destroyed. We weren't allow to go in because you can only go in if you are a muslim. There is a big gold dome that sits on top of it that was donated by the king of Jordan. Talk to the security guard there and figured out I was Indian and went on to tell me how he really enjoyed Amita Bachhan movies and broked out in an Indian song. Boy the Indian film industry has definitely penetrated much of the Middle East. Walk arounds a bit. The different quarters sell all the different religious stuff ex. the Muslim quarter will sell the eye of Fatima (Muslims), Star of David (for the Jews), and the cross (chrisitans). I guess when you are running a buisiness religion does not matter and political controversies. Also people intermarry as well. Every time you turn a corner you see such extreme levels of religiousness. You want down the Jewish corner you see the orthodox jews in their black coats and their side dreadlocks, you turn a corner and enter the Muslim section and you see the Arab men in their white outfits and the woman in their burkas, you turn another corner and you see the Armeian priest. People from the different quarters mix they don't just stay in their own quarters, ex. Jews go into the Muslim quarter vice versa.

Met a nice lady Raquel and her family from Texas, chatted for about an hour. Headed to the airport. Got to the airport 2 hours before my flight. The security people at the Israelian airport whent thru my luggage and checked each piece of my clothing at3x asked me a serious of questions the same questions 2x wanted to know who i interacted with wanted to see my pictures of israel. I didn't mind the checking my clothes once, but they did it a couple of times and when they gave me back my clothes it was all thrown together in my suitcase nothing in order and they had lost one of my locks. I was not happy about that. I thought how interesting gettting into Israel took about an hour but leaving took double the time. I guess they didn't want to have any bombers on the plane where they cannot do anything. I did think it was a bit extreme though.


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