Friday, September 21, 2007

Day 137, 138, 139, 140: Tanzania

Day 137: Today was our transition day from Kenya to Tanzania …with nice western showers and toilets.

Day 138: Today we took a boat ride on Lake Victoria which is the source of the Nile. The Nile flows south to north. Saw amazing birdlife…Went to a small fishing village. Was not pleased with the kids as soon as we got of the boat the kids were being nice to us and then asking us for money. Tried the local Tanzanian beer which were quite good….

Day 139: Today we went to the Sergenti. The Sergenti is to Tanzania as to what Masi Mara is to Kenya. We saw elephants walking, water buffalos, saw a mother lion that killed a water buffalo and feeding it to her cubs, they were eating the stomach first. In the lion family, the mother lion usually does the kill for the family. Saw a male lion with all the fur around his face. That night in our camps there was a hyena lurking around our tent. I thought oh boy, my campmate Emma and decided to keep quiet and pray that the hyena go away. Eventually it did.

Day 140: Went to Norongo Crater, saw zebras, elephants, and wildebeests, saw hippos. On our campsite we had elephants and zebras casually strolling by. I had to remind myself this is their land and were simply visitors.


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