Thursday, September 27, 2007

Day 153 & 154: Cinsta & Hogsback

Day 153: Cinsta/Hogsback
Noticed a lot of KFC’s, fried chicken is very popular, interesting that is also popular among the black Africans in the US makes me wonder if they brought it over when they came to the US. Went to Hogsback. Some say Tolkien the author of ‘Lord of the Rings’ was inspired to write the book after seeing this area. It’s very green and full of trees, etc…Tolkien was originally from South Africa.

Day 154: Cinsta
Today we saw it, yes a beached whale. I arrived at the hostel and there was a great big crowd around the beach front. I went to the front desk to inquire about the big commotion down at the beach front, I was told it was a beach whale. I scurried down to take a look and sure enough it was dead whale. People from all over the town came over to see it. One elderly woman with her three dogs came, poking the whale w/her cane and after examing it closely for about 5 minutes or so she declared it was ‘great big white shark’, I was puzzled as the animal had no teeth. I guess only the dogs believed her as they were afraid to go near the animal. Another passerbyer determined it was a humpback. A Scottish and Irish guy came by and were taking pictures holding the whales flippers. The Irish guy wanted to step on in it not sure what that would have proved we convinced him it was disrespectful. People came from all over taking pictures in front of the animals. As I was walking back I met some people form the hostel and told them about the beached whale they would put their heads down and say what a shame, as if they had known the whale. The animal examiners came by and sure enough it was a small male humpback whale.


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