Friday, December 01, 2006

Day 27 & 28: Farwell to Singapore...Hello to Malaysia

Day 27: Singapore (aka...Lion City) is composed of Chinese (76% ), Malay (14%), and Indian(10%, most from South India). Singapore is one community, but each of these groups still strongly maintains it's culture as there is a Little India, Chinatown, and an area that Malays live. I spent the day on Sentosa Island next to Singapore, and went to go see the 'Images of Singapore', where it displays the different communities that make up Singapore, Chinese, Malays, and Indians. Then I went to Lau Pa Sat (Victorian style Hawker center, they have all different kind of food stalls there), I tried some Kacchan, basically it's Chinese fruit and jelly cube looking things with mounds of ice on top drizzled with syrup and coconut milk and it is was goooody! I tried some of the Chili crab, Lasak (noodles in curry sauce, very popular dish here and very good), and Singaporean style noodles. The people are very much into making sure you clean up after yourself, as twice I was sitting down and eating and was relaxing after I finished my meal and as soon as I finished my meal, there was a service worker ready to take my tray. FYI...there is free internet access at the airport!!! Day 28: I arrived in Kula Lumpur today, there is alot of greenery when I arrive and what struck it was the the Islamic influence in the architecture of the buildings. The make up of the people is similar to Singapore, where there are Malays, Chinese, and Indian populations here. It is not as modern looking as Singapore.


Blogger Chris Haskell said...

hiya ro! great to read up on all the great places you're visiting! Any idea where you will be in early February? Would like to meet up with you if possible!

7:41 AM  

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