Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Malaysian history and information....

Malaysia (formerly called Malaya), is a beautiful country with a colorful mix of Malays (~60%), Chinese (2nd largest), and Indian (3rd largest). Malaysian history is very interesting, below is brief history on Malaysia:

The aborginal Malays (Orang Asli), began moving down the pennisula probably from southwestern China about 10,000 years ago. By 2nd century the Europeans and Indian traders came. From 9th to 13th century the Buddist kingdom of Srivijaya, what is now Sumatra (now part of Indonesia) dominated. 14th century the powerful Hindu kingdom of Majapahit based on Java (part of Indonesia) dominated. Around 15th century Islam arrived. Malaka (historical city in Malaysia) was major trading post where Chinese, Arabs, Malays, and Indians traded precious goods. Drawn by rich trade the Portugese came in 1511, then the Dutch in 1641, and the British in 1795. In the early 20th century the British brought in the Chinese and Indian to help with rubber plantations and other work. Malaya achieved independence in 1957. In 1963 the north Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak along with Singapore joined Malaya to create Malayasia. Singapore withdrew in 1965 and became an independent republic.

Malay language is a mix of Sanskript(from India), Arbaic, and English. Islam is the offical language. Islam was brought in by the Muslim South Indians, and Muslim Gujurati's (from North India). The Malays control the government and the Chinese control the economy. Malaysia made up of 13 states.


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