Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Day 32: Jaipur, Rajastan

Day 32: Jaipur is the capital of the state of Rajastan.

Rajastan: the 'Land of the Kings', is India's most coloured -charged state. Half desert, half bony hills, everyday is shot with searing colours. The state is packed with magical towns and cities. that are colorful. This is home to the Rajputs, a warrior clan. The Rajputs' bravery and sense of honour was unparalled. The would fight all odds and when no hope was left, chivalry demanded mass suicide take place woman and children commited suicide by self-immolation on huge funeral pyre while the men confronted the enemy and certain deaths.

Jaipur is know as the 'Pink City' as there are many places that are colored pink. Colors colors and more colors. Rajastan is the state of color. Indian woman have beautiful colored saris and Indian clothing and are very well ornate in jewelry. The colors are striking and look fantastic against the brown complexion of the Indian woman. Today I headed to the Om Tower to take a veiw of the city. This is a hotel that has a revolving tower at the top. I got a great chance to see Jaipur and to see how much of a dessert it really is, similar to Las Vegas.


Blogger amashmallow888 said...

Hi Rohini! I hope you had a good Mother's Day Sunday (do they celebrate that there?) I am unsure if you are still in Gujarat or already moved on to Jaipur, I saw about the huge tanker fire in Gujarat and I pray that you're unhurt...Take care!

6:44 PM  

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