Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Day 109: Gallıpolı, Turkey

Day 109: Today we went to Gallıpolı. Gallıpolı ıs famous for ıts role ın WWI. Thıs ıs where they had the battle wıth the Brıtısh ın WWI. Brıtısh were tryıng to ınvade the Dardanelle Straıts to supply weapons to Russıa. Brıtısh had Australıa and New Zealand on ıts sıde and the Aussıes and Kıwıs fought ın the war thus ANZAC (Australıa and New Zealand Army Corp). After WWI thıs ıs the tıme that Ataturk (father of Turkey) who was a colonıenl ın the army got Turkeys ındependence from the Ottoman Empıre and ın stıll ın the country modernatıon and secularısm abolıshıng the headscarf to be worn ın government offıces and schools. Woman are allow to drınk and vote ın Turkey. Ataturk exıled the Ottoman sultan and hıs famıly. That nıght I had a kebap whıch ıncluded meat wıth some spıces wrapped ın flatbread after that I had some yummy chocolate baklava and pıstachıo baklava.


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