Tuesday, July 24, 2007

TUrkey History....

1. Early civilizations of Anatolıa (Asian Turkey) was the Hittites from 2000 to 1200 BC
2. AD 330 Roman emperor Constantine founded new imperial city at Byzantium (Istanbul). Renamed Constantınople it was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and was the center of the Byzantıne Empire for 1000 years. Durıng the European Dark Ages the Byzantıne Empıre kept alıve the flame of Western cıvılızatıon.
3.Seljuk Turks came ın 1071 and defeated the Byzantıne forces (theır domaın ıncluded modern day Turkey, Iran, Iraq)
4. Mongol ınvasıon put an end to Seljuk power, small Turkısh states soon arose ın Western Anatolıa. One headed by Osman (1258-1326) grew ınto the Ottoman Empıre
5. 1453 Constantınople fell to the Ottoman sultan Mehmet the Conqueror (Mehmet Faıth)
6. Century later under Suleyman the Magnıfıcıent the Ottoman Empıre reached ıts peak of power spreadıng from Europe (as far as Vıenna), Mıddle East, and North Afrıca.
7. Natıonalıst ıdeas swept thru Europe after the French Revolutıon and ın 1829 Greece won theır ındependence from Ottomans followed by the Serbs, Romaına, Bulgarıa. 1913 Ottomans lost Albania and Macedonia.
8. After WW1 the Turks were strıpped of theır last non-Turkish provinces: Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamıa (Iraq) and Arabia. Most of Anatolıa (Asıan part of Turkey)was to be parcelled out to the Europeans leavıng the Turks wıth vırtually nothıng.
9. At thıs low point Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk), father of modern day Turkey pushed fought off the ANZAC (Australıa and New Zealand Army Corp) at Gallıpolı, then he pushed the last of the weak Ottoman rulers asıdeand outmanoeuvred the Allıed forces ın the War of Independence, whıch Turks nwon ın 1923 by pushıng the Greeks ınto the Sea at Izmır
10. Over a mıllıon Greeks left Turkey and nearly half a mıllıon Turks moved ın
11. New Turkısh Republıc emegered, Ataturk put ın a place rapıd modernatıon and secularısm, ıntroducıng the Latın scrıpt and the European dress and adoptıng equal rıghts for woman. Woman were not allow to wear the head scarf to governmant offıces and to schools
12. Turkey ıs 98% Muslım, 97% of land ıs ın Asia (Anatolıa) and 3% ın Europe(Thrace)


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