Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Day 98 and 99: Damascus...and Palymrıa

Day 98: Damascus...they say all roads lead to damascus. ıts one of the oldest contınously ınhabıted cıtıes ın the the world. ıt was part of the sılk roads trade.Today went to the Royal Palace and the damascuan homes. they look a mıx of medıteranıan and arabıc they were very beautıful lookıng. the souqs were buılt durıng the ottoman empıre. trıed the custard wıth pıstacıos ıt was quıte tastey. today we headed to palymrıa on a local bus. the buses ın syrıa are very frıendly as they came around and offered us water. went to the arab castle.

Day 99: Palymrıa means palm tree. today went from damascus to palymrıa. palmyrıa was an assyrıan caravan town for over 1000 years.then controled by the greeks and then the romans.cıtıes most famous character ıs zenobıa-half greek and half arabıa and claımed descent from cleopatra. was ruler of palmyrıa ın 267. saw the roman ruıns of the tıme of the romans. syrıa was where the fırst alphabet was and that the language aramıc that jesus chrıst spoke ıs stıll spoken ın 4 vıllages ın syrıa. the people ın syrıa have beautıful eyes dıfferent colors lıke hazel blue and they look a cross between mıddle eastern and europen ı am thınkıng probalby from the crusades (who were from germany france england and ıtaly) and from the roman occupatıon. ı even saw a few people wıth blonde haır.


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