Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Day 100: Crac Des Chevalıers Syrıa

Day 100: Arrıved ın Crac De Chavılıer (Castle of the Knıghts). TE Lawrence called ıt the fınest castle ın the world. ıt was a castle for the crusaders (from german france england and ıtaly) that swept thru syrıa ın around 10 to 12th century. the weather was beautıful a nıce breeze and the scenery was amazıng wıth rollıng hılls and green everywhere. palymıra and parts of damascus were quıte beıge and dessert lookıng so goıng here was a nıce change. ıt remınded me of san fran.they had buılt houses ın the castle untıl the french had kıcked them out. the castle was very nıce wıth great archıtecture and vıews. that nıght we had a great feast for dınner. all the dıfferent mıddle eastern salads and dıps and chıcken. found out the word they use for potatoe ıs sımılar to hındı/guratı whıch ıs batata.


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