Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day 115: Olympos & Antalay, Turkey

Day 115: Today we headed to Olympos. We kept some of the people on the original bus, but lost a couple. One of the people I enjoyed on the bus was Alsu and her finance James (Aussie). Aussie I have found our notorious for shortening every word possible. They are also one of the biggest groups of people that travel arond the world. Alsu was Russian and I learned quite alot about the Russian culture thru her. They were much easier couple to deal with then the couple I was stuck with in Egypt for two weeks. We stopped at the beach for a little dip which was quite refreshing after the hot summer days. We found our way to Olympos which we literally stayed in a tree house. That night we headed to the Chimeira flames. They are basically flames which still springs from the earth. They were pretty cool to see in the moonlight that night.

Day 116: Today I saw the Olympos beach and some of the ruins. The beach was quite a bit away from the entrance. Then we headed to Antalaya a beautiful city on the Mediterrean Sea. Had a great dish that night which consisted of rolled lamb in flatbread topped with yogurt and tomatoe sauce. The Turks I have found love to put yougurt saw on everything. They also have red chilli power out like they woudl have salt though it is not as hot as I would expect. Then headed for the airport to go back to Istanbul. When I got to the airport I noticed a group of cameramen outside one of the entrance and a crowd. I asked one of the girls what the commotion was and she told me that one of the most famous pop singers named 'Sadia'. Got to Turkey and went on the tram to my hostel. Met two older traditonal Turkish woman and their nephew. They were both wearing the headscarves. We started to communicate as they were sitting in front of me via the translation of their nephew. What I could make of it they were really excited I was traveling thru Turkey and the profusely wanted me to come visit their home town and to stay with them. Turks in my opion are one of the friendliest groups of people that I have come across.


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