Saturday, August 11, 2007

Day 1120: Farewell Turkey....

Day 120: Well today is my last day in Istanbul and I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay. I guess you could call Turkey a complete package, beautiful scenery with the fun beaches and the intelliectual side with all the history and culture, mix of the east and west cultures, great food, and above all nice friendly people. On two occassions I was walking with some men and didn't have a ticket for the train and they insisted on using their preparid card to let me thru, I have also met two nice ladies on the train that couldn's speak much English but once I told them I had gone close to their home town they were excited and insisted on me coming out to visit them. The men can be a little overly friendly, but I guess what can you say guys can be guys. I saw men playing bagnamon, people fishing on the bridge, kids playing the water. As Turkey moves towards the Western culture I hope they don't loose touch of their Eastern values.


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