Monday, November 26, 2007


Mon:. Today I managed to make it to Old Montreal. It was nice with the cobblestown walkways reminded me a lot of Boston. The official language in the providence of Quebec is French. The signs are in both French and English. Most people speak French. There seems to be a lot of Americans in Montreal.

Tues: Rain, rain and more rain. Today I managed to make it over to the history museum in Montreal. Then headed for some delicious bagels at Vicatour bagel shop. These bagels are not like US bagels that are hard, but they are really soft and with some salmon spread they were quite good. Then went to go see a movie with my new German friend Veronica.

Wed. Went to the Parc Royal and got to see a grand view of Montreal. It looked great with the trees with the leaves changing colors near the water. Then headed to have some yummy poutine which is basically fries with chunks of cheddar cheese and gravy. It was quite tastey. Then drove to Quebec City.

Thurs: Took a stroll in Quebec City with Matt the Aussie we had a great time wandering around the old city with the fortress around it. Quebec City still has a lot of the cobblestone walkways and has more of a historic feel than Montreal. Most of the signs are just in French….It seem like you were almost in Europe, with the cool older looking aritcheture and the beautiful colors of the buildings. I must say the French influence certainly does come out with the artictieure and the colors,, the great styles of cloth, and the food. Then had a traditional Quebec meal of Quebec meat pie with some yummy maple syrup pie, and a nice Quebec beer. That night went out to a nice Quebec pub. Found out they celebrate Halloween there in Canada the same day we do and their Thanksgiving is on Columbus Day rather than at the end of Nov. like it is for us.
They had beautiful orange decorations up at the bar.

Fri: Headed out to New Brunswick and went to St. Johns where Bay of Fundy is. That is where they have the highest difference in high tide and low tide. It was pretty much a small town. Stayed in a cute hostel in Fredericton. The hostel owner was quite funny. He was very sarcastic and enjoyed cracking jokes. Still part of French Canada, but more of the signs were in English.

Sat. Went to Prince Edward Island. That is where the book ‘Anne Green Gables’ takes place. We went to the farmhouse where the book takes place. It was actually the authors cousins house. It’s called Green Gables, because the house had green vines going up to the gables, which is where the points of the roof meet. That’s why in the book the picture has the meeting point of the roof painted green. Then took a stroll to the stream she use to walk through. It was quite beautiful with the stream and the beautiful color of the trees. Then up from there was a very green Pasteur. Prince Edward island is very green with lots of rolling hills. That night had a nice seafood meal, of lobster, haddock, scallops, shrimp, and salmon, it was quite fresh the food. Stayed in a cute little hostel where the rooms had pretty flowery designs. The hostel was older and had a lot of character. Still part of French Canada, but more of the signs were in English.

Sun. Took a trip to Cape Brenton, they had great scenery there as well. With the water and the leaves changing color. Then headed to Halifax. The people were very friendly that I have met here. Still part of French Canada, but more of the signs were in English.

Mon. Went to Halifax. Reminds me a bit of the west coast, but the buildings remind me of the east coast. It is known for it’s music. Went to the maritime museum. Found out that the Titanic had sank very close to the coast of Halifax and a lot of the survivors were buried there. Also there were a lot of pirates around that area, such as blackbeard. Tried the famous Dooner, which is beef in a pita bread rolled up with some garlic sauce and tomatoes and onions, it was quite good. Noticed a lot of Asians. Headed to Portland to visit my friend Delaine, who I met in Laos.

Tues: Delaine and I took a stroll through the lighthouse area. Maine is known for it’s lighthouse. It is quaint reminds me of Boston. Had a delicious breaksfast with great blueberrys and maple syrup.

Wed: Tried the lobster roll. Basically hot dog bun with fresh lobster with mayo. And lemon, quite good. They are known for that. Went to Newport.

Thurs. Took a tour of Newport Mansions and walked around. The Breakers, Vanderbilt, breakers cuz of break in the water. Had separate rooms the husband and wife, but managed to reproduce 7 children. Seating for dinner was based on social levels. Relatives Gloria Vanderbilt and Andy Cooper. Looked like a museum, was not cozy at all. I just imagine if I had all the money in the world, would that make me happy. Money is a funny thing it used in the right way it can provide great benefits like spending more time with family,but having to much and suddenly getting use to a life style that drove your happiness is like an additction. You are afraid to loose it, so money can suddenly make you insecure and always having to do better and having to keep getting more to support the additction, since you are use to. I guess not having enough from what I saw in 3rd world countries, you do not know what you have , since you never had it to begin with so you are not always tried to strive to get more, you are just trying to take care of the basic needs in life, food, water, clothing, and shelter. These kids were poor, but they were happy. I guess us in the middle class we are probably the luckies, we can take care of basic needs, and we have money to spend with our families, but we have to be careful, not to make it into an addiction and keep wanted more so we can spend on bigger houses, bigger cars, etc….Being richcan make things complicated and sometimes you cannot see thru things and see reality for what it is and take things for granted. Where being poor you see reality everyday. The biggest in the area. The first tavern and Jewish Synagoue are found here. Tried clam chowder and clam cakes. Newport is know for it’s clams and they have the annual clam chowder cook off there.

Fri. Went to Mystic. Founded by the portugese, known for being sea loving people. Tried Msytic pizza was pretty good. Mystic pizza movie was based on that. Walked around. Definitley a seaport. Very nice, a bit commericalied.

Sat. Had to stay home due to hurricane coming thru. Gusty winds and rain rain rain. Did a tour of rosecliff. Definitley more homery. The movie great Gatsby was filmed there with the heart shape staircase. Tried the stuffed clams. They are stuffed with bread crumbs and other Portugese spices and of course had the Newport Hurricane ale which was reflected of the day,