Sunday, October 21, 2007


Wed: Well we arrived in Chicago to come to much cooler weather and lots of flat land. Headed to the hotel and met up with some former co-workers from Motorola Daina and Nesli. We caught up on old times.

Thurs: Went to go see my little niece that was just borned last month and then headed for some sightseeing of downtown Chicago. Went to go get some coffee and met a nice girl who couldn't stop giving us free samples of candy. I must say it is nice to come back to the midwest and see the genuiely friendly I meet here. People are generally more real, direct, and friendly. I guess it may go with the landscape.

Fri/Sat: Went to my aunt and uncles house for dinner with the family and then went to my cousins house on Sat.

Sun: Headed to my former college roomate Patti's house to see her and her family in Aurora, my have things changed from the time we were in college.

Mon: Went to go walk around my former college of Purdue. Had the famous chilli fries at the Yacht club. My how so many things have changed. No more TA Tom's where we would go for dancing, nor Pete's for their famous $.10 chicken wing special. The Union where we would go study now has many different restaurants in them, it has completely changed. La Bamba my favorite mexican place is no longer there, nor the stuffed Pizza that we had.

Tues: Headed to Cleveland, where I have lived from 2nd to 6th grade.

Wed: Reunited with my former grade school friend Holly after not being in contact after 20 years. She is still the same. She has a teenage son living in a cute home in Painesville with her boyfriend. Unfortuantely Holly's sister Jane did not turn out so well as she has been on drugs and has really gone through alot of problems. Then went out with my friend from San Fran's friend and his family that night out in Pepper Pike at a cute little Lebanese place. Drove around my old neighborhood in Twinsburg, known for it's Twins day and Aurora Shores. My how things have changed in Twinsburg it it now more upscale.

Thurs: Headed to Buffalo to see the Niagara Falls and to eat some good chicken wings at the famous Archers Bar.

Fri: Headed to Rochester to see a former highschool friend Kim. Kim lives in Webster with her husband and son Pete. It was great to see Kim and her family I had not seen her since 2000, she had gotten married in 2002 and had a son last year. It was great to see Kim, but very hard to see her in her condition and the pain she goes thru everyday as she has severe artithis and it was very painful for her moving around. It's very hard for her to get up in the morning and get Pete ready her husband Bill does a great job helping her out. Kim is a trooper and does not let her condition stop her from doing anything. Kim is still the same a strong woman that will get thru things. As I went and visited my friends I realize that people really never change. My friend Kim and Holly are pretty much the same even with life's changes. I really think it takes a very big change in life to really change people.

Sat. Went to Cortland where I have lived from Kindergarten to about 2nd grade. Upstate NY is beautiful for it's foilage, I saw beautiful yellow, red, orange, marron all different colors of leaves, just absolutely beautiful. Fall is my favorite season. Passed by my old house where we used to get syrup from the maple trees around and the neighborhood I grew up in, so many things have changed. It was nice to see that there were corn fields still around the neighborhood just like I remember. I went to the grade school I went to which was at one time part of campus at Suny at Cortland. Drove up to Montreal and passed the 1,000 islands.They are literally small islands with homes on them an the trees are beautiful with the foliage.


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