Monday, December 10, 2007


Sun: What can I say it is the most amazing and exciting city in the world. I drove towards NYC from Rhode Island and of course noticed all the billboards from Donald Trump. Went to New Jersey to see my good friend Zorina and her family. Her parents came up and were talking with them for a bit. Zorina's father is a Trindiadian Indian muslim and her mother is part Swedish and American Indian. Her mother converted to be muslim for her father. Zorina told me that her mother is probably one of the best muslims there are. Very practining of the religion. Zorina tells me that often times when people have chosen to be muslim they are the best, probably because it is a choice that we make vs. something that we are born into or given.

Got to my hostel via the subway. The subway was full of people from all colors, white, to beige, to tan, to brown, to black. NYC is truly the most diverse city I have been to. There is quite a large Asian and Latino population in NYC. The people didn't look like they were dressed to the T, but very real and natural. It's so easy to ride the subway in NYC. Got off and saw a woman talking to herself I had to take a double look as I wasn't sure who she was talking to, but she was talking to herself. Headed off to NYC to see the Soprano's set. What a great experience. We saw where some of the shots were taken. We saw where the Bida Boom club is where Tony Soprano owns. We saw the meadowland where alot of the shots were taken and the name of Tony's daughter. Alot of the shooting is taken place in norther New Jersey. We sat in the boot where the last shot of the Soprano's takes place with Tony.

Mon: Took a city tour of Manhattan, when people refer to NYC they are referring to the island of Manhattan. There are 5 broughs, similar to citys in NYC. They are Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn (the most populated), Staten Island, and the Bronxs (attached to the state of NY). Walked around Greenwich village. Got the best cupcake in the world from Amy's Bread, yummy it was black forest, it was the most moist cupcake I have ever eaten, with the frosting just melting in your mouth. Then headed to Joe's Shanghai's in China Town to eat yummy dumplings. They were in quite a hurry as when I sat down they ask what I wanted immediately before I could even take my coat off. Saw the naked cowboy, in Times Square. Times Square is simply amazing, with the most amazing billboards and the stock quotes spinning around the building with updated quotes, and cook ad, it's just simply amazing. The naked cowboy had his cowboy boots and his tighty whitey's on and was strumming in the freezing cold weather with his cowboy hat on. Met with my new NYC friend Maria for dinner.

Tues: I had my 5 minutes of time on National TV I was on Good Morning America as part of the audience. Met Rachel Ray she was definitley bubbly, gotta love the personality. Met Diane Sawyer and Robbin Roberts. Went on my tour of upper Manhattan. Had lunch with my new friend from LA at Katz deli, they have the best best pastrami sandwich in the world. The meat just melts in your mouth, it was delicious. For $15 it was worth it, along with it came green tomatoe's and pickles. Then headed on a Brookly tour. Was a bit lost finding my way to the subway. Got stopped by a stranger and asked if I needed help. I must say the NYC people have been very helpful and nice. I got lots of help with my big suitcase when going up the subway stairs. Big kudo's to NYC people!!!!!!

Wed: Was my Sex and the City Tour, another of my ultimate favorite shows. We saw various shooting spots and went to the front of Carrie's house, Carrie actually lives a couple of streets down from there in real life. Came to find out that the shooting of the movie Sex and the City was taken place that week. Had pizza at Lombardi's which is known to be the very first place pizza was made in the US.

Thurs: Took a tour of the UN. Came to find out the the symbol of the UN is the north pole with olive branches on the side.

Fri. What can I say my stay in NYC was great.