Tuesday, November 04, 2008

New President....a new hope

Today was a turning point in American history....we elected our first african american president. I remember hearing on NPR during the primaries they interviewed a black woman and she had told the reporter that she would vote for Hiliary Clinton, because she felt that they would never elect a black man as president. She had grown up during segration and it left a deep wound in her, where she felt that racism was still prevelant. After they announced Barack was president they interviewed a black woman that was born the year before slavery was abolished and had lived thru segration and when blacks were not able to vote and today she cast her vote for the the first black president. She was so proud. Truly amazing.

I am so proud that this country is finally getting out the shadows of racism. I guess I have seen levels of hope in the various countries I have gone such as South Africa and the elimination of Apartheid without bloodshed. I am finally glad that we have moved forward from racism and moving towards equality in this country. The important thing in life, it's not the past nor the future, just the here and now, living in the moment. We don't know what tomorrow brings, all we have is today. How funny we easily forget the present.

What have I learned from my travels around the world.....Living in the moment is the most thing, the past seems to creek up on as we endure difficult times. Equally important is hope, today I have seen another miracle in my life, electing an african american president. Hope is what keeps us in the present, and our fear that keeps us in the past and cripples us from moving forward. Tonight we have turned a page in history, let's keep the hope alive. I can say that I am proud to be an American.

Our 44th President, the first black president after 150 years after slavery, winning with a landslide!