Friday, December 15, 2006

Day 42 & 43: Aussie Land

Day 42: This morning I arrived in Sydney. Even though I enjoyed being in Bali, I was happy to leave and go to new territory. When I arrived at the airport in Bali to leave, they were searching cars.... Security has been heightened since the last bombing attack last year and tourism has decreased. I arrived in Sydney and managed to get to my hotel and grab a sandwich at the deli. It's funny some of the lingo that they use here. It was funny at the deli I asked for a turkey sandwich, the lady behind the counter asked me if I wanted 'white' or 'wholemeal', I though she meant a whole meal , meaning chips and soft drink included, but didn't notice any around and then asked what a 'wholemeal' was and she told me it was 'wholewheat' bread...I have heard alot of 'hey mate', 'hey aussie', 'oohhh love', 'cheers' (they use that alot to say thanks). Sydney reminds me a mix of San Fran. and New York. San Fran. since it's by the water and the people are laid back and New York because of all the high rise buildings and metro system. I went out that night with my friend Peter, who is a native Australian. We hit the Circular Quay area, which is by the harbor for drinks and dinner. I had some red wine syrahs and the local brew 'Toohey New', which was quite good. I came to the conclusion Australians at least the people I have met in Sydney so far remind me of 'Americans', but with accents, my friend Peter of course thinks Americans remind him of 'Australians' with accents. The people have been generally friendly here so far.

Day 43: Today I went to Town Hall a shopping area to look for a new suitcase as my zipper had broken on mine. I noticed they had 'Woolworths', it was quite different than the one we have in the States, this one has a grocery store in it. Then I went to a nice coffee house on Victoria Street, where alot of quaint shops are and knew I had to try 'veggmite'. Veggmite basically looks like a hunk of soft chocolate. 'Veggimite' is made from leftover brewer's yeast (used to create beer). I had the veggmite on a slice of toasted bread, it was quite salty, definitely an acquired taste... I heard from others that is quite a good cure for hangovers. I am off to Cairns tonight....


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