Saturday, May 19, 2007

Day 50 & 51:Pokara, Nepal

Day 50: Today headed to Pokara to go trekking. The people of Nepal are a cross between Indo-Aryan people from North India and Mongolian. They are also alot of Tibetans here due to the take over of Tibet by China. Nepal is a Hindu Kingdom and the woman wear saris and langha's. The men have colorful topi's (hats) similar to the style of topi's in Himachal Pradesh. It is very similar to India. Pokara was very nice and not so much hassle with people trying to sell you stuff as Katmandu was. Signed up for a trek with a female trekking company called the 'Three Sisters', they are three sisters that started the organization about 10 years ago. They are Nepalese, but living in North India they decided to defy their parents in getting an arranged marriage and after college the girls headed to Pokara to start their trekking business. Their goal is help promote woman into becoming independent and to become trekking guides. The three sisters now have a trekking company and a guesthouse and are one of the successfull treking companies in Pokara. They have decided to share their wealth and have adopted 14 children.

Day 51: Did my trek up the moutain in Pokara. Passed by many traditional villages. The woman looked very similar to the the woman of Himachal Pradesh in India, the Central Asian look. They also had the same type of clothing, not to colorful, more subtle. They carried their baskets the same way, which is by having a strap around their head to carry the basket, which lies on their back.
My tour guide was from the NorthEast of Nepal and was of Mongolian descent. The trek up was very mountainous and their were alot of rice terraces along the way. That night I tried the tibetian 'momo', which is basically a chinese dumpling. it was quite tastey. Tried the Everst beer which was not very good.


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