Friday, June 15, 2007

Day 70 & 71: Mumbai....

Day 70: Mumbai....Today I went shopping with the daughter of the family friends of my uncle. We went to one of the malls in the area, I felt as I was back in the U.S. very modern. She was explaining to me how different her generation was compared to her sisters generation. Reema was 18 and quite the bubbly teenager. Her life consisted of going out to dinner and clubs with her friends. Clubs and bars had now appeared in Mumbai and many young kids were hanging out at them. Reema often wore tank tops with no leaves and jeans. Which was a 'no no' for her older sister. Her sister and brother in their mid 20's hung out at home before all the clubs and bars had opened up. Reema explained to me her generation consisted of dating and at times dating multiple people. Wow I thought how I had never seen this part of India. Mumbai was definitely the most modern cities of all the cities of India. With girls wearing tank tops and short tops.

Day 71: Shopping, shopping and mor shopping. After my major shopping spree I headed back to my adopted families house. That night I was talking with my uncles friends sister in law, who was about my age. She was a college educated housewife. That night she told me how luck I was to live in the U.S. and have so many more opportunites as a woman. First it is quite uncommon for a woman to travel by herself around India, I noticed I did get quite a few stares from the locals. Also to be able to work and do whatever I wanted to be more independent. Not to say all the Indian woman living in India are not independent, but that there seems to be more restrictions on their individualism and it still appears to be a male dominated society.


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