Saturday, May 19, 2007

Day 52 & 53: Pokara, Nepal

Day 52: We headed back to Pokara from the hike. The people in Nepal overall have been very nice and laid back. Pokara a little bit more, since it is more secluded. Tried pizza, but instead of mozzarella cheese they had yak cheese, which unfortunatly is very strong and not so good.

Day 53: Headed back to Kathmandu via a bus. Sat next to an American girl of Chinese descent. She was commenting about how similar Nepal was to the Chinese culture and I of course told her I thought it resembles alot of the Indian culture. She told she had seen a Nepalese wedding and the groom carried the bribe on his back, which is similar to the Chinese custom. The bride was wearing a sari, which is part of the Indian tradition. Nepal is truly a mix of those to cultures. Even the food on the menus, gives you the option of Nepalese, Indian, Chinese, or Tibetian.


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